Say Yes to Avon

Source: Google Images
Two years ago, I joined Avon as a means to earn some extra money. My husband and I were both working full-time, but I was looking for a way to make some extra money that could go towards debt, savings, or fun things. Getting a regular part-time job wasn't really an option for me. My husband worked in the gas drilling industry and had crazy hours, often working 12 to 14 hour days for 7 days each week. He wasn't home a lot, which meant I would have to rely on someone else to watch our daughter outside of her already being in daycare while I worked my full-time job. I had kicked around the idea of becoming an Avon rep a few times before that but figured now was the time. It was flexible, and I would be in charge.

Becoming an Avon rep has been one of my better ideas. I haven't made a fortune in my business, but I've been able to buy things for my daughters, pay off a few bills, and have some fun money for myself. I'm now committed to working my Avon business like a business and reaching goals with both my sales and leadership. Avon provides me with the opportunity to help myself and others, and I'd like to pass it on.

Love Avon products but don't have a local Avon rep? You can order from my online store and have it shipped directly to your home! We often have special deals for FREE shipping, too! Simply go to to shop.

Interested in starting your own business? Need a part-time or full-time job? Join my team by going to and use reference code aliciawyland to get started. It's just $15!

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